The MIA, a trade association whose members include granite and other natural stone suppliers, issued 'an alert,' calling attention to the claims by BuildClean, which has tested radon levels in a variety of countertop surfaces.
'The issue of granite containing radon has surfaced repeatedly over the years,' said Gary Distelhorst, MIA CEO. 'The origins of these concerns [emanate] from manufacturers of radon detection devices and competing synthetic countertop materials.' However, Sara Speer Selber, BuildClean's president, defended the testing's validity, noting it was based on inspections by certified and bonded technicians, and was conducted 'by a science advisory panel of leaders in their field.'"
What is Radon?
The jury is still out with me. I'm not sure if granite and other stone counters contain enough radon or pose enough of a threat.
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer (behind smoking cigarettes). It's an odorless and colorless gas that is emitted when uranium decays. And there is uranium in nearly all soil deposits. This gas can be inhaled and, over time, can cause cancer.
So, you can see. It is a big deal. And if there is a considerable amount of radon trapped in the granite, marble or other stone materials, then it could possibly affect your indoor air quality.
From all the testing that has been done and all the studies that have been made, this much is clear - there is almost always some radon or radioactivity in natural stone countertops. People working within the stone industry have an agenda and people who compete with natural stone countertops have an agenda. It can be hard to find out what you need to know.
What Can I Do?
If you have a granite counter or plan to get one installed, know that it's possible to have your home checked for radon and you can even use a do-it-yourself kit to check for it. As long as your monitor your living conditions and air quality in your home, and make corrections if you find any problems, you and your family should be fine.
If you still plan to get a granite countertop installed in your home, we can help. is a free resource to help you find contractors online. It's fast and easy to use. And there is no cost for our service.
Just tell us about your granite counter project and we'll match you with local installers. It's that simple. Submit your granite countertop project today. There's no obligation.
Good article on the controversy.
Radon is not "trapped" in the stone, the uranium decay produces the Radon continually, for the next billion years or so.
There are two agendas, the stone industry desparately attempting to cover this up one more time, and the rest of us that are trying to get something done about the problem. Personally, I sell and fabricate everything. I am involved to find the facts, to CYA. I started looking into this when I started selling granite, due diligence, and became convinced that the major studies done years ago proved that there was a problem.
Best keep looking for info on this topic rather than believe the stone industry. Way too much money at risk, plus the have sucessfully covered this up for the past 14 years. They can’t tell the truth, so they keep digging the hole deeper.
If this was a non issue, neither the CRCPD (state radiation officials) nor AARST (radon scientists) would have committees seting maximum allowable radiation/radon levels for stones and measurement protocols. ANSI and ASME are also looking into the controversy for their organizations.
On the radon issue, we have a full scale radon test going currently, over 10 pCi/L so far from only 18square feet of granite in a 96 square foot room. That is like smoking 1 1/2 packs a day,
We have a lot of info on the topics available.
I have an granite countertops and i already done the radon test by using the various good product available in the market. Thank you for the information.
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