I found a great new site that claims it is the "Antidote to Home Improvement Television." It's the Remodeling Repartee blog and they ask the same question and many more. Check it out.
I love how there are numerous versions of previous blog posts titled "Why I Hate Home Improvement Television." Fun stuff written by two women who are out there doing it.
The shows can provide motivation to undertake a project but the necessity of keeping most episodes to under thirty minutes can give a bad impression. It makes it seem easy. And that gets many homeowners into trouble. A few shows will at least last for several episodes to give people an idea that it's not always something you can do in a day.
What projects have you taken on that you needed professional help to finish?
Well, if you ever get in a bind after watching Home & Garden Television, let us know. We can match you with a local general contractor or a handyman service to "come to the rescue." It's a fast and easy way to find service professionals - at no cost.