The Contractor Directory acts as a yellow pages book or a phone book where homeowners and business owners can look up contractors in their area, review their listing and company details, and call them directly.
We have added this feature to our free services because many project owners want to find a local service professional immediately. Normally, one can post a project on our site and then wait for several contractors to make contact. Having several quotes from different companies is a great way to make sure you're not spending too much and finding the right contractor for the job.
Next, one must select whether the project is Residential or Commercial with the two tabs at the top of the page. Category selection is the final step - click on the appropriate one and a list of nearest companies will come up.
Click on the business name to see more details, company overviews, or contact information.
It's another free service, from, to all project owners to help you find the right services for your job. We're here to help you get your building, remodeling, or repair project done!
RELATED POSTS: Wiki: How to Find a Contractor
Home Improvement Financing
Sometimes You Have to Share
A good directory to search local services.
very helpful and informative. thanks for the post!
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