Well, I've found a neat tool that could help you see your room configuration a little better. It's a room planner from a furniture site called Raymour & Flanigan.
It's free to use. You may need to have the correct software to enable it but they have a link for the player. It could come in handy when you're planning a remodel.
It allows you to print up your designs after you're done. It even has an option to email it to your designer or contractor.
Planning Is The Most Important Part of Any Remodel:
If you don't have everything ready when you're starting a remodeling project, you're going to spend more money that you expect. Count on it.
When you don't plan every little detail, you will have to make changes. Changes mean more money, more delays, and more problems.
Start talking with a general contractor early and often so you won't have to make changes down the road. Plan like crazy and expect the unexpected.
That's a great tool. I like you could send clients to it, let them "feel" the room and fall in love with it. Would make some of my life easier.
i can is buy...
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