I saw this little item in a remodeling magazine the other day. It's a microwave, that can be placed under a countertop, and it opens automatically. It says it comes in 24" and 30" models. You can also put it under a cooktop or wall oven. It says it can hold a 9" by 13" plate. It has an Auto-Touch control panel that is angled so it's convenient and easy to use.
Click Here for Sharp's Microwave page.I'm not sold on it. I think it might be too low (I'd have to get on my hands and knees to look through the viewing window) and difficult to use. But... it could be a great space saver in a small, tight kitchen. It would really free up counter space.
What do you think?
As far as I can tell, the Sharp unit costs about $900. That doesn't include installation. It comes in white, black, and stainless steel.

I've also found a similar microwave from
KitchenAid. It's not necessarily a drawer, but it does have a pulldown or drop down drawer (similar to a standard oven.) As a built-in microwave, it could be considered more comfortable than the Sharp unit.
If you need to
find a kitchen appliance installer for your microwave purchase, consider
ConstructionDeal.com. Simply submit a request and get 4 quotes from appliance pros. There's no cost and no obligation.
Looks nice, but i am not sure if it is any impact on fertility and such because its so low.
Ha! That's true. But, keep in mind that one characteristic of microwaves is that they disperse and dissipate very quickly in the atmosphere. Let's say you are standing just 2 inches away from a running microwave where you are being zapped by 5 milliwatts (the max. allowable leakage) of microwave radiation. Then, you step back to 20 inches. Your level of exposure would drop by a factor of 100 [the square of the distance] to an infinitesimal .05 milliwatts.
But I still wouldn't stand in front of it! Just to be safe...
ok every time i see those under the counter microwaves i think the SAME thing you did...i'll have to squat down to look in...that alone makes it a no-go for me
and the "fertility" commetn made me laugh out loud!
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