Here's the short version -- we'll help you find a contractor (and save you time and money doing it.)
Here's the slightly longer version -- Let's say you have a remodeling or repair project and you need a professional to help you do it. From help building a new house all the way down to stopping that faucet leak in the kitchen. You have a few options to find an expert - you can ask a friend or family member for a referral.
You can pick up your yellow pages and thumb through to find a few companies that have a pretty ad. Or, you can use a service like ours.
"How does save me time and money?" you follow up. You're tricky that way. Always asking the good questions.
If you rely on the referral from your friend or sister-in-law, you end up calling only one company. That company might not do the type of work you need. And, you'll only be talking to ONE company. That means you'll get only ONE bid on the job. You might pay too much.
If you have to pick a few random companies from the phone book, you have to spend time calling them all up, qualifying them over the phone to make sure they can do the job, and then you have to wait for follow-up calls. You might even need to pull a few more names out of the book and call those up. Takes a lot of time.
What our site does is this -- you submit your remodeling project under the correct category. You provide an accurate description of what the project involves (thus, qualifying the contractors), and then you sit back and wait for them to call you. Nice, huh? You'll get 4 quotes from service pros the same day - sometimes within minutes.
Anyway. That's what we're all about. Matching you up to contractors. If you need some work done, post your project -- at no cost -- and decide on the best bid from all the contractors, to have the job completed. Simple.
If you don't need anyone right now... be sure and bookmark our page.
"Thank you," you say.
You're welcome.
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