
Charles and Hudson: A DIYer Web Magazine

I wanted to provide a little "link love" to a site that I just stumbled across. It's a blog called Charles and Hudson and it's a great resource for those interested in tips, techniques, tools, and design ideas in home improvement and repair. They cover a lot of categories and offer up advice and links on everything from drywall repair or installing a circuit breaker to holiday design ideas.

The site has been around since 2005 and has topics on repair, remodeling, design, restoration, real estate, tool reviews and tips, and build-it-yourself. They've been scouring the Internet, coming up with great ideas, as well as useful blogs and websites, that can help keep you informed. And, as we all know, knowledge is power. The more you know before you start on any remodeling or repair project, the more likely you are to succeed.

It's an excellent resource and a site you'll want to bookmark and keep handy before you begin your next DIY project.