
Odd Remodeling & Repair Job Requests

At, we get a lot of people posting their jobs with us.

Most are pretty normal, but some are downright strange.

So far, this has been my favorite:

"I need a plumber to come over and remove my neighbor's head from my toilet.

Apparently, you're not supposed to give a woman with hair longer than 2 feet a swirly. Who knew?"

Do You Have Toxic Mold?

Here's a little trick to tell if you're dealing with mold in your home. If you have a small patch of black, green or gray colored spots, Frank Foreman, of NO ODOR, Inc., has a smart tip to determine whether or not it is mold: put some hydrogen peroxide on the growth and watch the reaction.

Almost everyone has one of those brown bottles of the 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in their medicine cabinet, so he suggests putting it in a clean spray bottle and spraying the colored spots.

If the solution runs down the wall and there is no reaction, then the spots are not growths of mold (it could possibly just be dirt.) Since mold is a living organism, when sprayed with the hydrogen peroxide, there will be an oxidation process. If you hit it and the growth starts to foam up with white foam, then you know you are dealing with mold.

Read the complete Mold Article in our Resources Section of our site.

If it turns out you do have mold and need a mold inspection or removal, use Simply tell us about your project and get 4 quotes - at no cost. There's no obligation to hire any of our mold professionals.

How To Install Things - Looking for a Stud?

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